Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Picture a day: Week 2

Jan. 7th 
I'm teaching a cubism lesson next week.  I like to draw my own examples for fun and learning with the kids.  It's going to be a present for the hubs. Shhh,,, don't tell. 

January 8th
I finished my picture today! I'm not really into this style. But it was fun to create something outside of my own likes for the hubs. 

January 9
Last lesson I asked the kids to learn to layer colors by drawing an animal they like.  Natalie has chosen a peacock.  She's doing a great job on it and it is looking beautiful!

January 10
It's a rainy wintry day in the Carolina's

January 11
Koda has a mean "Quirkle" face.  

January 12
Game Day! 
I love how the Panthers game has become a family event in out house. 
All the kids love to cheer them on.  It's so fun. 
Thanks for a great season guys! 
Keep Pounding.

January 13
Let the Spring season begin!!

January 14
Today I had my good friend Leslie come and teach my class about the Indian culture.
They soaked it all up and loved the fans and instruments and doing the snake dance.  
Thanks Leslie, for making learning FUN!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 picture a day: Week one

One of my goals this year was to get back to my picture a day post.  Back when I learned my camera and really loved photography! Before photography became a job I had to do and it was something I wanted to do. Don't get me wrong, I still love it.  I just rarely take pictures of moments in my life anymore.  That's what I want to get back to. Documenting sweet moments in my life too.   Of course like any goals there are set backs.  Like having the flu punch you in the face the second day of your goal.  So the first week is lacking some days.  Here we go!  Enjoy~

January 1st
 I had my first shoot of the year and it was of the cutest dimple i have ever seen!!

January 5
My baby lost her front tooth today. 
Growing up. 

January 6th
 Puppy Love

January 7th 
 The coldest it has been in 100 years in North Carolina. 
So for homeschool science this morning we threw boiling water in the sky and watched it turn to ice crystals and blew bubbles and watched them freeze.