Friday, December 23, 2011

Field trip to Carrigan Farms

           So I have decided this year to "home school" Emily's last year of preschool.  Why?  well there are a many reasons.  The two main reasons are
                                                      1. Money
                                                      2. She's my baby

I'm desperately trying to save to give my kids Disney for Christmas.  I have wanted to do it the last couple of years.  $165 extra a month into my Disney budget goes a long way.  But let's be honest.  Emily is my baby.  But more than that she is my buddy.  I know, I know, we shouldn't have favorites as a mother.  But all of my kids have had their season as my favorite.  I'm sure it will all be their turns again.  But for now.....shhhhhhhh  Emily is holding the "mommy's favorite" trophy.
        She is just so sweet.  And her imagination is wild and vivid.  And she is so so so sweet.  I don't think I can stress enough how tender hearted she is.  She really does find a way to melt my heart weekly (if not daily) and my heart has a pretty thick wall of stone and barbed wire around it.  She loves fashion, loves to shop, isn't whiny, is so AGREEABLE! Do any of you have any idea how amazing it is to hang out with a kid all day who is agreeable?  Especially after hanging out with Madison?  Queen of OPINIONATED.  It is bliss.
Pure and total bliss and I'm not ready for it to end.
     I don't know what I'll do next year when she isn't here all day.  It will be the first time in 12 years I haven't had someone on me asking me questions all day.  13 years if you count the pregnancies, which I kinda do.  I was being undone from the inside out after all.  It will be the first time since HIGH SCHOOL I will really have any consistent amount of time to discover who I am.  And truly, I have forgotten.  I'm not sure who Steph is anymore.  I know who mom and mommy is.  I know who "hey, babe" is.  But me?  Stephanie?  nope, no clue.  It's a little bit terrifying and extremely exciting all at the same time.  
Whoa, anyways.  Yeah, I kept my baby home so I can hang on to every last second I have of this sweet time in my life.  I can't believe it's almost over.  No more chubby cheek and fingers.  No more momma's and toddling and first words. No more finding a cute little chubby face covered in lipstick.  Or my roses my husband got me torn into a million pieces.  No more sweet cuddles and naps......  :.( Seriously people, I'm in mourning here.  
Okay! Anyways again.  

I took Emily and some of her friends to Carrigans to go apple picking.  It was a blast.  They saw the animals.  Learned about bees and went on a hayride.  The best part is when we got back we had hot apple cider!  YUM!! Here's some pics from the day.  

Getting ready for the hayride!

Beautiful Quarry on the property


The girls with their stash!

yummy apples and hot apple cider! 
Double YUMMY!
me with my sweet girl. :)

E with one of her bestest 

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